Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church is happy to offer a strong religious education program for students Pre-K -5th grade. The students are supported by dedicated catechists that will guide them through a spiral Catholic curriculum. The students will begin to learn about how God made them, how God made the world, and the importance of sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Further fundamental themes include what we believe, the ten commandments and the structure of the liturgy of the Mass. Catholic social teachings are woven into each chapter to encourage active participation in the faith. The Catechism of the Catholic Church: Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer are also key topics for our Catholic children.
You will find us ready to share the faith each Sunday morning throughout the school year from 10:10-11:20 am. We look forward to working with each family as they are the first teachers of the faith. The staff and volunteers at Our Lady of Grace are ready and able to share their stories, guide the students to encounter Christ, and to engage them in a rich and deep faith that Catholicism brings to our lives.
The full year calendar for ERE with additional dates for special events for those preparing to receive first Sacraments this year is found below. The calendar also includes dates pertinent to those receiving first Sacraments through OLGCS this year.ERE Calendar 2024-2025
Every adult (18+ years of age) who works with minors at Our Lady of Grace, even one time, must complete an online safe conduct training organized by our Diocese. Please click the link below to create a login and begin responsibly interacting with our young people:
Safe & Sacred Training