As followers of Christ, we believe in giving all that we have to serve Jesus. Sacrificial gifts to Our Lady of Grace do more than support the Catholic Church in Noblesville; they are an exercise is faithfulness.
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. - Matthew 6:21
Use the form below to make a one-time donation to Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. If you would like to set up a recurring gift, we recommend using Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) to give.
Make a Recurring GiftThank you very much for your donation to Our Lady of Grace. If you would like to sign up to give regularly, please visit and consider giving to our Offertory Fund or another area of your choosing. You will receive an email receipt of your transaction. May God Bless you and lead you to enduring faith!
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About two years ago, we sprung a leak in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. These things happen in a 30-year-old building, and our staff worked quickly to repair the damage. While that work was happening, we temporarily moved the Tabernacle to the Sanctuary, situated behind the altar. That’s when something incredible - though not altogether unexpected - happened. When Jesus was present in front of us in the Eucharist, we adored Him and we were changed. More people visited the church to pray and more of them left with lighter steps after their time with the Lord. Hearts were burning.
Not long after that, we conducted a survey of Our Lady of Grace parishioners in conjunction with the diocesan Uniting in Heart Pastoral Plan, and we received an overwhelming response expressing the desire for the tabernacle to be moved to the sanctuary permanently. This move was discussed in depth by our Pastoral Council and added to the Parish Vision Plan. From there a highly-skilled committee of parishioners spent months researching the teachings of the Church and deliberating over what would make our space most conducive to prayer and worship. Benefactors made generous contributions beyond their regular giving, renderings were designed and redesigned, contractors were carefully selected, and we shared the message of this exciting project in many ways.
In December, we completed our Sanctuary Makeover, the most significant and largest project at Our Lady of Grace since we built our school. It’s an exciting achievement that begins and ends with Jesus.
Jesus called, and we responded. This is what we can do when we are in communion with God and with one another.
We are very excited to continue pursuing our mission to be a parish that forms a culture of enduring faith. Of course, we cannot continue to move forward as a parish without the buy-in of our parishioners. I do not desire for you to simply be an observer of what is happening at Our Lady of Grace. I want you to be a partner in our mission.
One way to partner with us is by contributing to our Mission Campaign this year. As we did last year, we are combining two appeals into one. We’re asking all of our parishioners to make two financial gifts. One of these gifts will support our diocese as a part of the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). The Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana is more than a governing body; it is our connection to the larger Catholic Church, founded by Christ and perpetuated by apostles. A gift to the CMA means that priests and parish staff continue to be supported and that seminarians are able to be formed into future pastoral leaders. The other gift is to your regular giving to Our Lady of Grace as a part of our Offertory fund. By giving weekly or monthly, you make a statement that the Catholic Church in Noblesville is valuable and vital. Many of you already give generously in this way, but I would ask that you consider increasing your regular contribution not only to further our mission but also to practice the self-sacrifice that is a hallmark trait of a Catholic Christian. If you would be willing to make a significant commitment to these two elements of our Mission Campaign now, then we can more quickly move forward to the mission and ministry work we are anxious to continue.
As you pray about what you are able to sacrifice, know of my prayers for you, your family, and your invaluable place in the Body of Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Clayton
To initiate a transfer of securities held by a brokerage or commercial bank, notify your broker or bank that you intend to electronically transfer the securities to Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. Please also notify the Director of Operations, Larry Kunkel, to ensure your gift is properly received and attributed.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Edward Jones
Attn: Security Processing
PO Box 66906
St. Louis, MO 63166-6906
Account Name: Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Account #: 338-17598
DTC #: 0057
Our Lady of Grace Federal Tax ID: 43-0345811
You can at least double the impact of your gift if your employer offers a corporate match program! Many of these programs also match gifts made by retirees. Some even will match volunteer hours. You also may contact the accounting office for assistance or to notify them of your matching gift.
The Our Lady of Grace Catholic School Foundation, Inc., was created in the year 2000 as an investment in our school. The expected Foundation returns ensure long term growth, provide competitive teacher compensation, and help us recruit and retain the very best faculty on staff for now and the future.
To donate, please utilize OSV and select the OLG School Foundation option.
Please prayerfully consider Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church and School in your year-end giving. Below, you will find various giving options that support our mission and also provide tax advantages.
Gifts to the Church:
All parishioners are also encouraged to consider a year-end tithe contribution to the parish. This can be made via OSV (Our Sunday Visitor) or by a special Christmas donation via your giving envelopes.
Gifts to the School:
Your gift to the school foundation will help ensure long term growth, provide competitive teacher compensation, and help us recruit and retain the very best faculty on staff for now and the future.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities:
Gifts of Appreciated Securities are always a great option and offer a two-fold tax savings as you are entitled to take a charitable deduction for the full, current value of appreciated securities (held longer than one year), and y ou are also able to avoid paying the capital gains tax that would be due if you had sold the securities.